Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Cupcake Sunday

This Sunday we celebrated my sister Aideen's birthday with a family meal at home. I love these days when we all sit around the table and shout over each other to be heard. My Dad will often say something random and silly that has nothing to do with the conversation, or he will break into song due to a word someone has said that has sparked something in him to sing. My brother always starts his meal with "hey, why did she get more then me?" (He is turning 30 this year and will never change). My Mum who soaks up the feeling of having her family around the kitchen table together with a quiet smile, between her preparing, cooking and serving the dinner. And Niall sits back and enjoys the madness of another Ahern family dinner, a family he will soon be an official part of. :)
Aideen wanted to cook cupcakes for her birthday and I jumped at the chance to take pictures of something so pretty. So I followed her round the kitchen snapping her every move and here is the result. Some mouth watering pink, green, blue and yellow cupcakes. And to top the day off my brothers girlfriend sent down 10 cupcakes from Dublin for her birthday, so overall it was a Cupcake Sunday bonanza! :)

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