Thursday, January 13, 2011

Meadow Pipit - my competition winner

I entered my first monthly competition in my photography club this week and was delighted to receive a 20 for this shot. This is top marks in the club so as you can imagine I am absolutely chuffed. I had a smile from ear to ear. This shot was taken out of my car window up in the Cooley mountains on a very cold Sunday morning. This little fellow was hopping along the edge of the cliff for around 5 minutes giving me loads of time to setup my shot. I used all 300mm of my 70-300mm Sigma lens and with a little help from one of the other club members in post production we arrived with this composition.

I entered 3 other photos, the seascape of Blackrock featured in a post below, the man shoveling the snow and my New York cityscape. All of which did very well in the competition as well. A very encouraging evening where the feedback I received was fantastic and I am now really excited about the next competition.

I'm officially hooked. :)


  1. Oh Sadhbh this is amazing!! I love your snowy seaside shots too. You have a talent!

  2. Well done Sadhbh. Your photos are amazing!


  3. congratulations on one of yer first competition wins eh ;)
